Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top advantages of using online document management system

Those of you, who are looking for document management solutions and systems, it is advisable to use online document management system. Here are the top advantages that you and your business organisation can enjoy by adopting this particular document and records management system: 
The first and the most important advantage of using the online document management system is that you can retrieve documents in no time. Storing business records and files in hard copies takes a lot of time and there is no guarantee that you will be able to get them when you need them the most.

In case of online document storage, electronic copies of documents are created and are stored centrally. Files can be retrieved by any word or phrase used in the document. It also allows use of multiple taxonomies for classifying and storing documents in more than one way. This makes retrieval fast, flexible, and easy.
Second important advantage offered by the online document storage system is that it helps reduce chances of misfiling to a great extent. Paper documents generally get misplaced or lost. There is also the risk of confidential information getting in the hands of unauthorised and fraudulent people. But when you use the online document and records management system, you are adopting a safer and reliable system for storing your crucial business records and documents. 
Third significant advantage of using the online document management service is that you can enjoy enhanced level of security and privacy. Paper documents are stored in filing cabinets and rooms which can be accessed by anyone. They are vulnerable to thefts and to fires, floods, earthquake, and other natural calamities. In case of online storage, documents are stored electronically at an on-site or off-site location to which only few authorised people can enjoy access. Also, online document management system keeps record of who viewed the files and modified them which is not possible in case of paper document storage.
Online document storage reduces the amount of physical storage space. You can do away with renting larger office space and paying higher office rentals by storing your documents online. Further as all your business records and files will be stored electronically you can have a clutter-free office with more space for your employees.

There are many other advantages offered by the online document and records management. Better time management, streamlining of business activities, improved customer service and client relationship are some of them.
For availing online document management services and solutions, you can visit

Importance of availing records management solutions

Every business organisation, regardless of its nature and size, has to maintain and store several papers and data records in order to satisfy internal and external business laws and regulations, to carry payroll and tax collection, for maintaining employee information, and for carrying other business activities. Proper creation and maintenance of business records helps in managing the relationship between the employees and the employer and also between the company and its clients. It becomes extremely important to protect these records and data from being misplaced or stolen or destroyed as it can give rise to serious complications.

It is here that the records management solutions prove to be so useful and effective. Records management solutions help in proper creation, retention, and disposal of all business records and files. There are both traditional, as well as modern records management services and solutions. In case of traditional records management services, companies that offer records management solutions store and record business data, files, and documents in hard copies. They offer on-site, as well as off-site record management services for recording and storing the records and documents of their clients.

The latest records management services include online data management. In this, business documents and records are converted into electronic files and are stored in a computer. Online filing systems and services are enjoying a lot of popularity these days. Unlike conventional records management solutions where business records and files are stored and managed in form of paper and are therefore time consuming and difficult to manage and retain, online records management is a quick, simple, and easy method of record management and retrieval.

Besides it helps in reducing the messy files and paper work, decreases the labour costs associated with record retention, improves work flow, customer service and relationship, and improves the chances to locate business records in lesser time. Another area where the latest online records management solutions and services are gaining popularity is safety and security. Whereas business papers and documents are vulnerable to theft, fire, flood, and other unforeseen circumstances, online records management services promise the highest level of safety and security.

When choosing the records management solutions and services, one must keep few important things in mind, such as the nature and size of one’s business, type of business documents to be stored, reliability of the records management services provider, and the cost of the records management services. For the best records management services and solutions, you can visit